Why Your Ear Piercing Placement Matters
How do I know where my piercings should go?

The Problem With Uneven Earlobe Piercings
Ear piercing is a milestone that most often becomes a core memory. It’s important to have an ear piercing experience that feels as safe as it feels celebratory. You certainly don’t want a long-lasting memory to be shrouded in frustration or have a cosmetic reminder of a bad experience.
Ear piercing placement can impact your self-esteem and confidence for the rest of your life. It sounds silly, but it’s true.
If your piercings are low or uneven, you may have limited freedom of self-expression because you’re unable to wear heavy earrings and hoops. If the piercing is too close to the bottom of the lobe, heavy earrings can cause rips in the ear, which can take months to heal and may necessitate surgery.
The Importance of Getting Your Ears Pierced Correctly
Getting your ears pierced correctly can really affect how you feel about yourself. Rowan has nurses go through extensive training in the Rowan Clinical Piercing Standard (which was developed in conjunction with our Medical Advisory Board) to make sure each client’s ear piercing placement is perfect based on their unique ear anatomy.
When a client with uneven earlobe piercings comes in to add more to their stack, we ask them: Do you want the new piercings to look symmetrical when viewed straight on, or would you prefer them to look balanced on each ear individually, even if they aren't symmetrical when viewed head-on?
This choice, though it can be a tough decision, allows clients to reclaim control over their ear stacks and boost their confidence.
Get Perfect Ear Lobe Piercing Placement with Rowan
Like eyebrows, ears are sisters, not twins. Finding the perfect placement for your piercing can take time. When you get pierced with Rowan, a nurse will work with you patiently to find the ideal spot on your ear for the best result—ensuring a great experience (which is great for every client to h-ear, pun intended).